Thursday, September 20, 2012

August-September 2012

I cannot believe how much time has gone by since my last post! In a way it's a good thing since this is usually my outlet when things aren't going too well but I also apologize because I know many of you like updates and news on the bug :) Well, since it's been so long I shall break down my update by month.

*Naysa* This was a good month for the bug :) She started speech therapy, which she loves and continued to take great strides in ABM. She got more vocal, attentive and most exciting of all...beginning stages of CRAWLING! :D
 *Mommy* This month was a rough one for me. I finally felt ready to emerge from my hermit like life and interact with friends who have children Naysa's age but it all went to hell when a friend complained to me....ME about their child crawling around and getting into everything. I just cannot fathom why that is a bad thing and they don't see how it's not. That conversation sent me slowly back into my shell. I go back and forth on being ready to socialize again.

*Naysa* If ever there was a miracle, this girl is it. She is making more consonant sounds, learning her body and what she can make it do, understanding cause and effect, closer to sitting and crawling! She mastered rolling over from tummy to back and her new favorite, clapping. She is finally growing into 18 month clothing and out of size 4 diapers. She loves the color red and quinoa is new staple in her diet, my little hippy :)
 *Mommy* This month has been good for the most part, aside from my bestie moving back to Jacksonville :-/ I had one really bad, self pity night where I cried myself to sleep, mourning the things, the life that could have been. That night I had an amazing dream, the specifics are a little fuzzy but I remember my Aunt Shelley and Holden being there and waking with a great feeling of peace in my heart. I don't know how long it will last but I am grateful for the time it's here. Here is a picture of Naysa and Kristi during ABM :)

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