Upon my Google searchings and talking with resourceful mamas, I've also discovered other amazing therapies we are aiming to try:
- Acupressure: An ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the skin's surface to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.(http://www.jenniferwhiteside.com/acupuncture-clinic/acupuncture-treatment-conditions/pediatrics)
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A proven alternative medicine for Traumatic Brain Injury, neurological and other medical conditions. (http://www.hbot.com/)
- Chiropractic Care for Children: Focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system along with the effects of these disorders on general health. (http://www.drwhitaker.com/chiropractic)
Naysa has been doing very well! Since we have taken her off Topamax she is more alert and interactive, she is happier and tries harder to communicate. She's learned two new signs in a very short period of time (mama, dada) and has recently decided she wants to learn to come to a sitting position from laying on her back! We've been working at this and I hope she masters it soon, she tries so hard! She has been acting more like a typical toddler and even venturing with her oral motor skills! We are currently working on straw use and feeding herself. It's pretty messy, but when she takes that sip or bite...it's beyond worth it.
As promised, here are links to more information :)
- This site in general is a great resource! http://www.drwhitaker.com/view-health-advice-2/
- Aside from increase in seizure activity, here are other reasons we are a Carrageenan free house: http://blog.healthkismet.com/carrageenan-cancer-health-inflammation
- Carrageenan free milk, guide: http://www.cornucopia.org/shopping-guide-to-avoiding-organic-foods-with-carrageenan/
- GMO Free Shopping Guides:
- http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/shopping-guide.html
- http://truefoodnow.org/shoppers-guide/supermarkets-and-ge-foods/
- How Essential Oils can help YOU: http://www.everythingessential.me/HealthConcerns/_HealthConcernIndex.html
- To learn more or purchase therapeutic grade essential oils: http://www.mydoterra.com/holisticlove/
- Vitamins we use for Naysa:
- Speak Smooth http://www.speechnutrients.com/products/speak-smooth/
- Vitamin B6 http://www.country-life.com/productdetails.php?product_id=345
- Multi-vitamin http://awakennutrition.com/agape/about.html
**If you have questions or want to discuss any of this further, please feel free to contact me at Naysasmommy@gmail.com
Not sure if this is double posted or not, but....
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link (I'm the carrageenan guy!).
What's interesting to me is that carrageenan sensitivity and gluten sensitivity might have a lot in common. It's possible the body might produce antibodies for each molecule that are very similar to one another. I've come across many GF people who have reactions to alginates that are similar to gluten.