Monday, July 16, 2012


Okay! I finally have a moment to catch you up on Thursday's Neuro appointment with Dr.Levy. Her head circumference and shunt look great, he was really impressed with her eyes and how well she is doing, she was all smiles :) He wants to wait a few more months for surgery to let her skull continue to grow and thicken as much as possible because he wants to avoid using anything artificial and if her bone is thick enough he can shave it off and just use that instead of a metal plate or other kind of graft. He said if he were to do the surgery before he felt she was ready that her skull would continue to grow and push the plate and he would just have to keep going in to fix it which of course, we want to avoid. He also referred us to a specialist for her Brachycephaly so we have an appointment Wednesday to meet with them about getting her into a helmet. She will wear it for three months initially, maybe a little longer if he feels she will benefit. Hopefully having the helmet with encourage bone growth as everything will be shifting and moving and a bonus of no more bald spot on the back on her head from rubbing! If the helmet doesn't correct the Brachycephaly to Dr. Levy's standards he said will just correct during surgery and basically reshape her head. That means bigger surgery and longer recovery so we are hoping the helmet does it's job! Over all the appointment was great and I feel good about the months to come. He is such an incredible surgeon and I love that he doesn't act like a lot of successful surgeons with a pompous attitude and "I'm God" persona. Naysa is doing great with therapy and she is on her way to army crawling, I cannot WAIT to have to chase her around and put up baby gates. I want her to try and crawl away when I change her diaper and always actually have to put clothes on her so she doesn't get a rug burn. It's the little things :)

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