Monday, March 5, 2012

Nephrology Appt

The Nephrology appointment went okay today, she definitely has a small amount of reflux on her right side. The good news is it's very minimal and usually gets better with time and long term antibiotics (which she is on) There are five grades of reflux and she has grade one, which is the least damaging. We will follow up every 12-18 months and see if we need to re-visit the treatment plan or if it's gotten better. Honestly, I didn't really catch much else because she spoke 1000 words a minute like she was reading the side effects on a commercial but I got the important parts! Oh! I forgot to tell of the hilarity that took place during her VCUG! Nay was laying down on the table with her diaper off while the doctor placed a catheter and she projectile pooped ALL over the place! haha, the doctor got out of the way just in time but it was pretty funny :) Well that's about it! We are going to go hang out with Aunt Jen and watching Army Wives and editing photos from a shoot earlier in the week, goodnight everyone!

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