Friday, March 9, 2012
I never knew it was possible but today the OT broke up with us :( She doesn't tolerate it very well and after so long they give "therapeutic breaks" when progress hasn't really been made. She's kind of hit a plateau so the therapist decided it would be best to take a break and re-evaluate in three months. She will still get PT twice a month and I will continue working with her at home but not more OT at Rady's. I am however, going to look into the in-home OT San Diego Regional Center offers. Speaking of PT, I met with her new therapist and there is definite improvement. Aside from her annoying fake laugh she is great :p Jenn and I went to Wal-Mart after the break up and got Nay a few new sensory toys and she loved them! She did great with body exploration when a ball would roll to her side or if I held it on her knee. I know progress will happen when she is ready and I am no where near ready to give up on her, so if that means we by pass the hospital's OT and get an in-home one through the state funded program, so be it. I know a few of you already saw our new project on facebook but I wanted to further explain it, I am so excited :) This literally came together in two hours...Jenn and I were sitting in her living room talking about Naysa and how she wishes she could "fix it" and all the other children and problems in the world, it got pretty philosophical :p Long story short, we decided the best way to spread awareness was through what we We will be photographing special needs children around our area doing what they love. Be it blowing bubbles or cuddling with mommy, we will take the time to capture their individual beauty. All of these images will be black and white photos with the child's story and anything the parent would like the world to know about being a special needs parent, how they personally feel about the "R" word, anything they would like to say. Ideally this will be in every book store across the country, if not the world :)
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Good luck - cant wait to buy a copy!! :)