Monday, March 5, 2012

Mum? :)

Needless to say, I've been slacking in the blog department. I keep sitting at the computer after Nay is in bed, ready to blog and before I know it I'm half alseep! Where to even begin?? A few weeks ago there was a good two days where all she did was sleep, literally. I had to wake her up to feed her and when she was awake she was super irritable. She doesn't really ever cry unless she's hurting and I was walking on eggshells...the littlest sound would set her off into hysterics! On day two I called the after hour neuro line, since it was a Saturday and he suggested I bring her in. Off to the ER we went. I told them I was worried about her shunt and thankfully they got her right back and straight up to do a shunt series. All was well! They weren't sure what was going on so we got transferred via ambulance to Balboa Naval Medical Hospital (Tricare reasons) Once we got there and settled into our room they took blood and urine samples to run cultures and did an ultrasound on her kidneys thinking it may be some sort of urine reflux back into her kidneys so they wanted to check for normal size and function. Thankfully everything looked good there too! They scheduled an outpatient UCVG which basically just fills her bladder with contrast and they x-ray. That was done a few days ago and it looks like she may have a small amount of urine traveling back up her ureter, but not actually reaching her kidneys. We have an appointment with the nephrologist today at 1130 to discuss the results. Back to the hospital, the urine culture came back positive for UTI :-/ she is finishing up antibiotics and is doing a lot better! Now for some happy updates :D She has been seizure FREE for almost two weeks!! We started her on a steroid called Prednisolone and Zantac to prevent ulcers caused by the medication. She is still taking Topmax, but only one at night. I can't even begin to describe how much my heart smiles to see her wake up from a nap and NOT start seizing. There's a small part of me that holds my breath and watches her when she wakes up, just waiting for an attack but alas! There are none :) Her first tooth is halfway in! Definitely making the weaning a little easier since she likes to chomp down and leave a tooth mark on my nipple! Monster. She is SO very close to sitting unsupported and I couldn't be more excited! We learned a few tricks from our OT and they are working wonderfully. And now, for the biggest YAY of all...she says "mum!' It's not quite "mama" but if the girl wants to be British, then British she shall be :) Her speech has improved immensely since taking the steroids and she is making a lot more sounds. Her latest favorite is "Ba" with her mouth closed, so she looks like an old man grumbling lol. Things are going well over here and I can't help but think it's in part to all of the amazing love and support you give <3 Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. such a wonderful mum and daughter 'MUM' British sounds good to me being as i'm here in the south of England... am so glad Naysa is finally doing more stuff she sounds amazing!! bout time we had some more pics
    love to you both xxxx
