Sunday, February 12, 2012

To Topa or not to Topa...

We had a wonderful visit with Naysa's mimi & papa this week :) The bug got new clothes and looots of playtime! However, she does not approve of patty cake any longer! Both times mom tried to play and sing it Naysa started to cry! lol. No more patty cake for that girl! We also discovered she does better OFF her topamax than ON! She is still taking two at night along with her zonegran but none in the morning and she is a completely different baby...back to her old self! She babbles a lot more, tries sitting up and rolling over, best of all she smiles more :) She has gone from 3-5 episodes a day to ONE. It's strange her meds would make her spasms worse, we have an appointment with the neuro on Wednesday. My bestie here in SD is taking my girl and I whale watching for valentine's day! Don't worry, I'll post pictures ;) That's my little update for now, I will post again after the neurologist!

1 comment:

  1. Didnt i tell you SHE will DO everything at HER own pace????? my grandson born 1 day before Naysa is now walking! his mother walked at 13 months 1 week... my youngest walked at 15 months my niece walked at around 18 months... just saying kids do stuff when THEYRE ready.... glad you and Naybug have had a great visit with family, looking forward to seeing pics of tomorrow,
    glad little Missy is doing well with reduced meds, way to go young lady! *throws a high five!*
    have a great week xx
