Well, it's been a few weeks since I've updated but no news is good news right? ;)
Things seem to be at a stand still lately and I'm not quite sure how to get out of this rut. Naysa doesn't seem to be progressing but she's not falling further behind either so I guess I can't complain. I am frustrated with the San Diego Regional Center and their lack of committment to her vision therapy and now they want to add on speech, which is great..if they actually do their jobs! We are having a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss a plan & since I've let my frustrations build up, they will be getting an earful! We meet with her new Physical Therapist on the 1st and with Dr. Levy (neurosurgeon) on the 28th of February. Her next eye appointment isn't until April 9th at which time we will discuss surgery. We will also be talking surgery with Dr. Levy for a bone graft, my poor girl is like a little voodoo doll! No new developments but definte improvements. Her head control, sitting up and rolling over are getting SO much better. She can sit up unsupported as long as she is straddling something, weirdo ;) She isn't crawling yet but showing interest which is encouraging, she rocks on her knees sometimes like she wants to go somewhere but still isn't putting weight on her arms. Spasms are about the same, still not under control. I will be calling her neurologist tomorrow. Her new favorite food is sweet potatoes, if you can't tell by the pictures! We are both looking forward to a visit from mimi and papa next month, even for just a few days but then in March we will be off to GA to celebrate her FIRST birthday! I feel a nostalgic post in the works :p Sometime after that we will be jetsetting and leaving the country to meet daddy in a port! I am very excited about this but not TOO excited because of the way the Navy likes to change things last minute.
She's absolutely beautiful :0) you must be such a proud Mummy x