Thursday, November 1, 2012


Maybe it's because it is November or I just realize how crazy I have been the past month but I feel I've been doing an awful lot of complaining and not enough thanking. So, with that said I have written "letters" to everyone I am thankful to. First and foremost being our Lord. If that bothers you, skip it. If not, read on :)  

Dear Lord, THANK YOU! Thank you for being with me throughout my pregnancy, throughout Naysa's birth and now her LIFE. Doctors may have years of education and experience but only you knew what the outcome would be. There were times I felt like giving up on her and during those times I always felt like even though I was saying it, I did not mean any of it. I can only assume that was you. I am so beyond grateful for what she CAN do and look forward to her learning capacity expanding. I've had a rough go of this new life, I was not prepared for any of this. When we decided to carry to term all I wanted was my baby to live. I did not think about the future, what issues she may have, how delayed she may be and because of this you and I have an off and on relationship. I am still not quite ready to fully reconcile and I am sure you understand that. Everyone always says "God has amazing plans for you, for Naysa.." and I believe until I know what those plans are I will have a hard a time fully committing to you again. Just know, I am thankful, so very thankful for what you have given us. The blessings in our lives and our beautiful, gladiator of a daughter. Thank you. 
 Ashlyn Anne Kirstine Page
Dearest Benjamin, Thank you for always being my side, helping me make the most difficult decisions and always waiting with open arms and forgiveness when I fail. It's hard to believe 7 years ago we were driving around Peachtree City late at night, windows down music blaring without a single responsibility. Now, here we are. Married, A Military family with a special needs daughter and more responsibility than any couple our age. Yet, we make it work...with ease! You are my best friend, a wonderful father and a great husband. Thank you for holding me close when I can no longer keep the tears at bay. Thank you for not judging me with the confessions I have made to you. Thank you for looking at Naysa with love in your eyes and standing by us through the hard times. A lot of families don't come through what we have unscathed and every time I see you with her, my heart melts. Thank you for giving me such a great sense of love and security. Thank you for ALWAYS telling me every thing would be okay, even if you didn't believe it yourself. I love you ace, always will.
chip :)
Dear Ma and Pa, First of all, thank you for embracing such ridiculous names :) I love you both so much and could not have made it through the past two year and half years without you. Thank you for taking a last minute flight to Hawaii to be with us during all of that testing, and when we found out Naysa was a girl! Thank you for keeping my Faith when I wanted nothing more than to toss it to the wind. Mom, thank you for showing me how to be so strong and the words of "Peace, be still" which I still use when I need to relax. Dad, Thank you for always giving the best hugs and trying your best to make every thing okay. You have been both been such pillars of love and strength for us when we needed you and there will never be enough words to thank you for that. We cannot wait to come home for Christmas and spend time with you.. We love you! 
 Ben, Ash and Nay
Dear Friends and Family, Though we are scattered across the world, have busy lives and most of you, kids of your own, you always find a way to let us know you are there. You send cards, write e-mails, make phone calls, whatever you can to be there for us and I love you for it. Thank you for finding the time to check in and keep up with us. It is greatly appreciated :)

 Dear Naysa's followers, THANK YOU! For all of the love, support, well wishes, prayers, silly comments, inquires of Naysa's health...thank you. Most of you have followed us since the beginning and it brings tears to think you can love our girl so much purely through posts, pictures and videos! From ALL over the world you come together on Naysa's prayers page. You are incredible. This journey would have been so SO much rougher without you behind us. I love you, WE love you! Thank you 
The Page Family

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