Sunday, May 27, 2012

Navy Wife No No

Well, I did the unspeakable as a Navy wife. I had a complete breakdown to my sailor before he's been home a week. There are things as a seasoned Military wife you just don't do.. such as cry at send off and ask him not go or get mad at him when he hasn't called or emailed you in two days. I've been waiting 6 months to talk to my husband about all of the things that have been on my mind, primarily concerning Naysa. I wanted to wait to talk about everything until he had been home at least two weeks, maybe three. Settle back into routine, get to know the new "us" as we both grow and change every deployment and allow him time to enjoy his daughter. I don't know what happened with that plan but tonight I just lost it. I tried to shake it off and drew a bath in an attempt to relax but seeing as baths and showers are where I do most of my crying, that was an epic fail. He came in to brush his teeth and saw my make up running down my face and turned the light on, probably to make sure I wasn't a monster :p He got me out and tried to talk to me but as usual I was at a loss when it comes to the spoken word so I told him I would write to try and explain. Pages later I bring it to him on the couch and retreat to our bedroom and get ready for bed. He comes in with tears in his eyes and sits me down on the bed, gets on his knees and hugs me around the waist, which of course sent me back into tears. I cannot tell you how AMAZING it is to have my best friend back. To have nights like these with someone who really understands and doesn't judge. I won't go into everything we talked about as most of it I would never admit or tell anyone but him, but something he said will always stick with me. "WE are the lucky ones baby, US! Can't you see that?" Yes my love, I do see that now. I love you so much, thank you for tonight, for the past 6 years, for our beautiful daughter. You are incredible.

1 comment:

  1. you & Ben are so very brave & beautiful. thank you for sharing your heart.
