Friday, April 20, 2012


I cried today in the waiting room of the Neurologists office. As I sat there with my girl waiting to be called back I saw a mother and her preteen daughter enjoying laughs and conversation. I cried because I may never get that with Naysa and my heart breaks at the mere thought of that. I want to sit across from her over hot chocolate and talk about what a loser Becky is for telling Ryan she liked him, or how excited she is that Cooper (hehe!) asked her to the school dance. I cried for Sara who just lost her 8 year old daughter Emily to Mitochondrial Disease and all of things they will be missing out on. I look at Naysa's sweet face and wonder what her future will be like, if I'm doing enough to ensure she has the best chance at development. I will fight for her until the day I die, but what if (God forbid) she goes before me? I've been reflecting on that a lot this week, especially since my close friend Jenn and I will be attending Emily's wake tomorrow. Okay, before the tears blur my vision and stop me from completing this entry...We had a neurologist appointment today, as I mentioned. We got her EEG results and everything looked great! No seizure activity or spasm patterns which makes the neuro hopeful she's grown out of them! She will slowly be coming off steroids because it's not good to be on them for long periods of time. She will continue the topamax as precaution. We are closely approaching Benjamin's homecoming and I am excited/nervous for him to return. He left when Nay was six months old and returning when she is over a year. Homecoming will be so much different this time around with a child involved. It's hard to explain...I just want to thank you all for the unconditional love and support you've given us these past two years, I wish I could take one giant road trip (& flights for those overseas) and thank you in person and meet you.


  1. Hi Ashlyn,
    i have followed your blog for a long time and i look forward to reading when theyre new,
    please dont cry for what may not be but rejoice how far you have both come in the last 2 years+ and for the things that ARE!! how many things were you told Naysa wouldnt do? but she HAS done them.... shes an amazing little girl with an amazing family, i think Naysa's gonna surprise you over the coming days weeks months and years..... love and cherish her for now take each day as it comes she may well do what other kids do but maybe just a little different and in HER OWN way...
    sending you much love and hugs from England xxx
    love Liesa xx

  2. Hi Ashlyn,
    I just wanted to tell you that you have done such an amazing job with Naysa and her developing :) since I started to read your blog, every entry is about YOU going above and beyond for your sweet baby girl and full of good news about her big strides :) Just wanted to send you some encouraging words in hopes they help you feel happy in a moment. Take care and of course, continued prayers as you approach homecoming time, a truly exciting and anxious time indeed!

