Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sorry Sorry!

Alas! I have a moment to blog, and I literally mean a moment! Things have been highly busy around here with photo shoots, appointments and just life in general. Where to begin updating? I suppose starting with our last hospital visit would be best. That morning I noticed a weird rash looking thing on either side of her stomach and above her belly button while I was giving her a bath. I kept an eye on it through out the day but it just seemed to get worse so I called the nurse line, you know...since she likes to do things like this on Saturdays when offices are closed :p They told me to bring her in because the way I described it (rash like in appearance but deep purple like a bruise) sounded like it could be a blood infection! So, off to the ER we went. They drew blood to check for anything that popped out and everything was normal so they basically just chalked it up to constipation & all of the straining she does when she goes. We still don't have answers, we even went to the pediatrician Thursday, still nothing. Other than that, she has been doing very well! We have an appointment the 12th to meet with a new therapist for the Anat Baniel therapy and I couldn't be more excited! Thank you Halee for telling me about it :) If you've never heard of it I would definitely suggest googling it! She has an eye appointment Monday and a neuro appointment the 18th to finally talk about grafting her skull! She has been exploring quite a bit with her hands lately and reaching for toys. Her vocabulary has also expanded out of the blue! Lots of new consonants :) And more happy news you ask? We will soon be preparing for daddy to come home!! :D I feel like there is more but it's close to midnight and my brain is fried from today. I will update again after her eye doc!

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